Hello. I am sorry for delayed respond. I have a bad habit no to replay on time.
To clarify everything.
Decks are mine.
I did not post any set up, because I am not listener, but professional technician.
I listen music at work all day long, I got tired of it.
Even radio in my car is off, when I driving.
Yes, the pictures are made by pro photographer, and yes, they are "showroom" type pictures.
Black Pioneers are rebuilt decks, customized in black.
I use "powder coating" method.
yes, it is a guy in Europe, whom made black Pioneers RT-909 by anodizing.
His name is Vlad Finche, if I remember correctly, and he also add a remote control to RT-909.
I don't do anodizing on the front panel, because it very difficult to make.
You will need a pristine front panel or any small dents or scratches will shows.
As far as the reels, 10.5" and 7", those are made from scratch.
The only part I don't make is a hub, on which reel is assembled and it made by someone else.
Hub for 7" reel is made by me, and each by hand.
I have plans to make them by plastic extrusion die in the future, it will bring the cost down.
As soon I find extra $25k to do it.

And in the end here is the picture, not photo shopped, or altered in anyway.