The pot wiring goes like this........signal correct to the jack center tab, shields are then twisted together then soldered to the ground plate on the rCA jacks. It is two conductor and shield. the 2nd conductor is cut off at the end of the insulation. At the pots the signal wires go to the center tab and one side, the other side the shield wires are terminated, the second conductor is cut off at the insulation. The control board end has the signal wire and the second conductor is cut off at the insulation. The shield is soldered to the ground pad. This to me says a ground loop is possible.
In addition to this the 220 ohm resistors come off the output tabs on the slide switch to chassis ground. There is also a solid wire from the rCA ground plane to the slide switch ground to chassis ground., another no-no.
Why did I leave it this way you ask?? To see if it would make noise!!
To prove this right quick I have a pair of jacks I will solder directly to the board and throw it back on the AP.....Just cause, always wanted to do that to see just how low the noise would go without the input wiring in the chassis....