Before I button this puppy up and cabbage case it I thought I would take a couple more pics of the pot wiring. I did these a little different. I know this had an effect on the noise figures, which in this amp were excellent. The UNWEIGHTED measurements from 10hz to 80Khz were only 10 to 20 microvolts more than the IEC A Weighted 10hz to 31.5Khz so something made a difference.
I tried several different runs of the shielded cable. And while hooked up to the AP , moved the shielded around. At one point the noise figures dropped by half. That is the configuration it is in now. Coming straight out of the RCA jacks to the DCP then arcing over the driver board to each pot. NOW , the big difference. I went straight from the pots to the TOP OF THE DRIVER board. Yes, removing the faceplate would require either de-mounting the pots or desoldering the input wiring from the boards. I think the improvement in noise levels warrant that little inconvenience...the average user won't ever have the covers off anyway and anybody working on it won't be inconvenienced that much.
Being a bit philosophical this morning I can't help but wonder, that in 30 to 40 years ( if music is still produced through one of these) members of some obscure online forum will be opening up their WOPL's and comparing builds from the A boards through the M boards thinking" What in the F%^& were these folks thinking?" " Couldn't they make up their minds?'.......To answer that question before they ask it...." No, we couldn't, because Joe was never satisfied and refused to sit on his laurels"
The latest measurements of noise in Justin Case's 400 were phenomenal, those unweighted figures also tracked just 10 to 20 microvolts higher meaning that both channels were under 200uv. Can we get a 700 under 200?? Maybe, maybe not, but that don't stop us from trying. It's also possible that any improvements in noise figure will require removing the power supply from the chassis altogether, and I still plan on that this coming winter, not even the thermoswitch will be internal on that one....
I feel that having an engineer of Joe's caliber doing what he does to these amps is a gift to audio we can all appreciate...I for one I'm grateful to get to work with him in some capacity. Just for shits and giggles I put a Spec 2 in rotation the other did not stay there.......