I double and triple checked everything, then double-checked my dim bulb tester, just to be thorough, using another old beater amp. With the Sony amp, the tester worked as expected, and after the initial bright flash from the bulb, it just kind of glowed for as long as I left the whole system on. So then I plugged in the WOPL amp and everything went as expected, except the bulb didn't glow, and just went out. Also, the relay never clicked. This was the first time bringing the amp and relay up. The only other testing was with the backplane transistor install. This time, as with the last, nothing unusual happened. No smoke. No odor. No crackling noise. Nothing. So that's the good news. Nothing catastrophic occurred. I was going to mess with it, but thought it would be better to seek some advice as to where to do some voltage testing. The fact that the relay isn't clicking is what's making me think something may be amiss. But also the way the bulb went completely out after the first bright pop, like it immediately stopped drawing current, and it was unlike what the other amp did when I tested it. Any advice as to how to proceed. Or should I just start making random voltage tests as see if everything is getting power? I'll get after it again tomorrow, after I go get some propane for my heater. It's gotten cold here and I ran out of fuel.