... Had a 'louder' session today, the power of sound becomes scary after 12... I bet a candle could be blown out within say 2m distance... It could be done namely with Metallica and they 'The day that never comes' drums intro.... Addicting feelings while going hard with WOPL1000.....
Then I changed to Marillion 'Script for a jester's tear' and 'Misplaced childhood' staying at 10 o'clock. Again - definition, speed, low end richness and so much effordless dynamics were immediate words to come up with..... !!!
Joe, Lee, if you reached already that level of driving emotions with the WO upgraded PL700 amps, what's next then ???

Thanks God Nav's avatars and his from time to time some more scientific pictures (I mean Mother Nature creativity 'deep analysis') will keep this forum members' constant attention...