So basically your saying to also drill another set of speaker posts in the cabs BD? Do you just tape off and isolate the connections for the woofers? I wondered about biamping since Lee mentioned it awhile back. Seems like the amps would run easier and I like the idea of lessening the chance of frying something inside the speakers besides the drivers. Would you need two preamps also to attenuate volume, it would be cool for flexibility. Like boost on demand LOL
Initially, I'd just run the wiring out through the port. That way u don't have to tamper with the box, until ur absolutely sure it works for u.
... and yes, just tape off the flying woofer leads off the x-o for now.
Eventually, once you've got the hang of things, u can make slight mods, like adding an extra pair of terminals, and a switch (heavy duty) to select between active and passive, 'cause sometimes, u can be quite happy with low level listening, and therefore not necessarily have two amps etc running.
... and as Lee said, (usually) the active x-o has all the gain controls u need, as his obviously does.
Also, a point to be made, is that using passive x-o's for the mid/highs, can be a good thing, IF by some remote chance that things may go wrong, and if an amp should ever go DC, (yes Lee, I know how protected WOPL's are) but, again, IF, something should go wrong, the caps in your passive x-o's may just save ur tweeters from frying.
Anyway, now you'll have extra stuff to mess with, so u CAN have ur cake AND eat it too!
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