thank you but I was looking for more info and history like why did some have 4 when I my mind that is clearly not enough so they switch to 8 at some point when they should have had 8 from the get go I hope I am not being a scatter-brain and not causing a cluster-!@#$
ok what one of the blues is on the ebay listing that is the one that I did not like sorry I hope this dose not sound rude what is you have done for these amp is a great enginering feat and I think you could not have pick a better amp for your products I could be getting the 2 mixed up can you tell me what one it is here is link
It is extremely hard if not impossible for a photograph to accurately depict what the subtle differences are in those choices between colors. I've tried and they just don't look the same in a pic...
that is a lot different form the ebay ad like others said pics just are not the same as in person that looks a lot like the clear white where as the clear blue on the ad looks very different