I always use Repair Parts, and that photo is my worst nightmare...
i understand...but car parts which could also fall under repair parts...(they love this catagory) is over 45%....electrodomestic parts are 30+...
if it is computer/electronic agenda related....it is the lowest rate 13%....cells fall under this catagory...
i try to keep electronic parts, kits, agenda, etc in the description....as a suggestion...
in all honesty...i am at their mercy....they can put what ever they want....and the closest customs is in el roble....
about a 5 hour round trip....and with diesel hitting 5.80 yesterday .....it would take a big problem for me to go and fight it...lol
last time i did....i lost....my brothers sent me some cigars for christmas....200 dollars worth...they were taxed 600 bucks...above the 200....
i hope they enjoyed them....lol and i spent 2 days going from hither to yon....lol
you win some and you lose some....
life is still good....