NeverSatisfied is getting a fresh d500


Chief Journeyman
Nov 3, 2021
Houston Texas
Play the Game, don’t be the Game
Lightning just struck Texas. Glen’s monster creation finally arrived safe and sound.
Only had time to pull the top to make sure nothing got knocked loose and hook her up to the test system for a short run. Happy to report everything is good to go, no problems and she sounds wonderful. Much quieter than my stock D500. I will swap the Lightning out with the stocker next weekend for a little A;B testing fun.
Thanks Glen, she’s a beast. DD02910D-68FA-400A-BF04-0A71AC848392.jpeg 7F430124-95BA-4F38-B6F1-38E748C2BBE8.jpeg 04830C59-8DCE-47D6-96B9-899BD444F37B.jpeg


Chief Journeyman
Nov 3, 2021
Houston Texas
Play the Game, don’t be the Game
She lives but my back is pissed off….but hey it’s worth it.
Swapped the Lightning for the stock D500 and have been jamming since about 5pm. My ears were ringing pretty badly before I started, so started drinking with the first song and low and behold they cleared up after a couple albums. Not sure who coined the phrase “speaker lube” but I will add “ ring dampener “.
Just like the 400, the difference between the Lightning and the stocker is subtle in tone but obvious in noise floor and again with a cleaner leading edge. I am curious if the sound will improve with more time but I can say that if nothing changes I will be completely satisfied and as the boss will tell you, that rarely ever happens.
Thanks Glen, you built one hell of an amp. 01ECA6A2-B548-4DDC-B162-D2E86319D240.jpeg D0F1B341-B2BD-4499-B203-3FE0EF0BA156.jpeg


Chief Journeyman
Nov 3, 2021
Houston Texas
Play the Game, don’t be the Game
The 3000 though......time to upgrade pres bud...
The 3000, 3500 and the 4000 are all stock and need to be upgraded Lee. I know I could just buy a new high end preamp with all the modern benefits but I would rather keep the PL’s and have them upgraded if possible. Other than the nose bleed expensive stuff, none of the modern equipment appeals to me aesthetically and that’s a big part of vintage collecting for me.


Chief Journeyman
Nov 3, 2021
Houston Texas
Play the Game, don’t be the Game
Got a little more music time in yesterday and did some tweaking. On Saturday when I first started listening to the Lightning with records I noticed something seemed a little off but when I switched to streaming all was good. So yesterday I checked my setup and found that my TT was not perfectly level after swapping the amps. As mentioned before, these linear trackers MUST be level to perform and after readjusting, everything sounds fantastic again. It is amazing how just a tiny bit of lean will kill their performance.
Now if I could just get Joe to design some new innards for my preamps I could change my forum name from Never Satisfied to Totally Satisfied. Hell I would even be willing to leave my benches messy……for a couple hours.


Chief Journeyman
Nov 3, 2021
Houston Texas
Play the Game, don’t be the Game
Time to replace the electrolytics and clean those pots and switches. Those preamps were excellent units when they hit the market.
Agreed George, was just thinking that if Joe or someone with the skills could do for the preamps what has been done for the amps (modern boards and upgraded components), there would be a very healthy market.

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
Yep, there is probably 1000 different preamps built over the years, some were great, some not so, where would you start? George is right. With a little digging, you can find the good ones have upgrades done over the years which helps the specs and gives them life for another 20 years. Grab a Carver C-1 and for a couple hundred, you can have a world class preamp with a bunch of bells and whistles and are so quiet you would be surprised. We have been doing these for years and they are awesome. Or, spend $500 and get a Acurus RL-11 and do nothing to it but add a Phono amp to your system. It's easy to find a suitable upgradeable pre which will fit into a retro system. Some pre's are not worth messing with as they have so questionable connectors inside (some PL/Carver pre's). I've worked with Glen on some of these pre's over the years and we have come up with a list of upgrades and posted them on these pages. We'd put these up against about ANY pre out there.

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Good advice. Also, the 3000 series might not even need Browndogs, might be able to just "roll" to better opamps, I don't know. Never seen any of your preamps first hand or looked at their manual/schematic.
If you want Phase Linear preamps, easy enough to upgrade them, or move on up to Carver. They match pretty well. Me, personally, I staying PL.


Chief Journeyman
Nov 3, 2021
Houston Texas
Play the Game, don’t be the Game
Yep, there is probably 1000 different preamps built over the years, some were great, some not so, where would you start?
Easy, with the ones I own…lol
I know you guys are right and plan to go down the refresh path with the preamps I have. Hell if I get this Muse preamp going, it looks to be a performer. I guess I am just stuck on the “all PL” system idea.

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Easy, with the ones I own…lol
I know you guys are right and plan to go down the refresh path with the preamps I have. Hell if I get this Muse preamp going, it looks to be a performer. I guess I am just stuck on the “all PL” system idea.
Heck yeah, get that Muse up and running and use it to bench mark your PLs as you upgrade them! I also am stuck on a all PL main system. Then I have a garage system which is a mix of Marantz and Optimus. And a work room system that uses whatever I have available.


Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
Problem with preamps has been stated. They are a dime a dozen with no volume concentration anywhere.

Further to do a new board for a pre, you have to design around the controls it came with because replacements are not available in those form factors any more. That defeats the purpose of the upgrade to a large extent. New board electronics with 40+ year old controls...

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Amen, spent yesterday designing the templates for the PL2000 selector switch, tone pots, and power/volume switch/pot using DipTrace. Nothing close was in the library. Very labor intensive and I have a long way to go. Worth it to me due to being obsessive/compulsive and always needing a project.
I might make a little bit of money selling boards on down the road, but not a lot of these preamps still exist, and the cost of all new Switchcraft RCAs would make most think twice about installing a new board.

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
Heck yeah, get that Muse up and running and use it to bench mark your PLs as you upgrade them! I also am stuck on a all PL main system. Then I have a garage system which is a mix of Marantz and Optimus. And a work room system that uses whatever I have available.

You have no ideas if the Muse system is even a benchmark (HIGH OR LOW) yet!!!