This is familiar turf for me -- that is, watching the gurus do something intricate...sweating bullets on the inside, poker face on the outside, meanwhile thinking WTF have I gotten myself into...in public no less? :0)
But the silver lining in all this? Well, instead of taking something perfect apart & running the risk of never being able to put it back to it's original glory, to be perfectly candid I can't believe that the D500 sounded as good as it managed to despite the factory wiring harness job. (How did that go --
angry lobster in a pot of spaghetti? :0)
Not trying to hijack Glen's thread...actually, I think the photos of my 'as built' D500 will help you develop a genuine appreciation for what Glen is going to do for you.
GOOD NEWS first:
While waiting for my order of (88) MJ21195/6 output drivers, (& a bunch of other stuff from White Oak) I decided to give the "Dual 500" I've owned for the past 40+ years a real cleaning -- basically, just see what I've got to work with.
First I took the front panel off in order to be able to evenly polish every square inch:
View attachment 61523
Panel as found after ~20 years of cold storage.
View attachment 61521
Front all back together after cleaning. 2 thumbs up, especially in person - whew!
Now to pop the lid & see what's inside:
View attachment 61524
Yikes -- audio signal wires cable tied adjacent to the AC main transformer leads! (Because of where the relays are located.)
Wait a minute...there's some sort of cryptic message written on the transformer?
View attachment 61525
Hmmm... I bought this unit (Serno #1691) from the audio store as brand spankin' new? Did something happen at the factory requiring a transformer swap prior to shipment? Or did the original transformer fail to proceed during a dynamic demo at the audio emporium at some point prior to my purchase?
And why is it just about anything I purchase has hidden treasures like this hiding inside? I just don't know...
All I do know is that this amp gave me almost 20 years of pure pleasure, the last 8 of which were driving a pair of loudspeakers known to stress-test amplifiers. Now, after 20 years of cold storage, with the help of Gepetto, Grapplesaw,
Lee, and everyone else in here we're going to bring this beast back to "better than new" condition. My goal is no less than to make it just as pretty on the inside as it is on the outside. (!)
Given what I am planning to do, I can not wait to put up the 'after' photos so that we can compare them to these sad 'before' images. :0)
That's all I've got to say about that.
db gump