Hey Roccus ,
Lee is spot on. Horn systems are expensive and if the wrong components are not selected to work together, it can drive ya nuts.
I running a pair of Altec Votts as we speak. They sound awesome, but it has taken me many different Altec pieces to get them to sound
right in my room. Altec manufactured thousands of different components for theater use to home systems to baseball parks, etc. ect.
As an example, you could find a pair of A7-500 Votts like the ones in the second photo you posted. But if they don't have the correct
drivers in them for home use ( most will me PA or theater units) they will sound tinny and that 400 PL amp will smoke them.
Just like Lee has had to do to his K-horns, I have done big changes to my Altecs.
The Altec 811 horn you are considering was designed to play at 800hz and above. That is your minimum crossover point.
So now you need a driver for that horn. The one that is highly recommended is the 802-8G driver. These will set you back around
$400.00 each ! Woofers to match these horns run around $450.00 each. And you still need crossovers and cabinets.
If this is the way you want to go, it will be worth it. The sound is just amazing with Altec's . That second picture is the Model 19,
considered by many as the best home speaker every made. Unless your a K-Horn fan. That debate will never end.
If ya got questions shoot, I'll help if I can.
In the meantime, check out GREAT PLAINS AUDIO.