Now I have to find another video card for the AMD and I have two Win 7 discs to license, at least 1 top install on the dual core.
I went to the food bank hoping to at least find apples and while I got a lot of good stuff, pears that would be a problem soon, a bag of oranges I took, lots of mushrooms to wash and slice and freeze, no apples and apples are really ideal for a diabetic. I'm out of laundry detergent again and it's two weeks before I get paid again...nothing is selling. the person I still owe $42 is debating cutting the telephone and internet because nobody is paying for the computer repairs he does and eBay is dead for him. It's not just me, everyone around me is falling apart.
You cannot call THAT a recovery. I will catch that up next month for him but it should have been this month, not a nibble, not a call, no lack of effort.
I did get almost a flat of mushrooms to clean, slice and freeze and some CANTALOUPE.