So, nobody knows anything about this deck? How about Denon decks from this era? It should be headed this way, so as soon as I receive it, I'll be able to compare it with Larry's K-1000 Yammie, and sometime, to the Hitachi D-550. I will have some Blue Labels, some Maxell XLII's, and some of the contraversial BASF Chrome, (don't know if they are crap or not yet), tapes. This should becoming really interesting....I hope among these decks there is a keeper. If not, we'll keep looking. Maybe I need to find a NAK and get over it. I don't know why I have a mental block against Nak decks.....I've avoided getting one for all those years back in the late 70's till the 80's or whenever the CD player arrived on the scene...or at least until they started putting CDP's in I don't know if I finally need to break down and get one....I just don't know.