you sure got a lot going on lately, jeez.
actually we ourselves just finished putting yet another RUBBERMAID shed up in our backyard,
to house more of the excess we have had in the house now for years.
when my father parted ways with us (me, my little sister, and mother) back in 2005,
we had to lose our house and downsize dramatically, and winded up in this little duplex,
overcrowded with a much larger houses' worth of crap.
we've been making slow progress at getting it the hell out of here over the last several years,
and getting a series of sheds up in the backyard has been most beneficial...
I really miss my Pontiac that could Pass 'At
my grandma's husband (deceased in 2011) had a powder blue PONTIAC CATALINA from early 70's or perhaps slightly older vintage
that he kept running for decades, from as far back as my childhood memory goes, up until around 2003ish,
when it finally broke down to the point where he was evidently ready to replace it,
rather than attempt another repair. perhaps he could no longer source parts? at any rate, that sucker must have had SO MANY MILES,
what with the long daily commute he made in it to his industrial pattern-making job that he had held from the 70's up until his retirement around 2005-ish...