S, you've got a fully comp 700 with 2SD555's and 2SB600's. Damn, don't get much better than that. How much to ship it here?
Since I'm the only person in this thread that's mentioned the 2SD555's and 2SB600's, you MUST be talkin' to me..... no?
If yes, we're talking about my 200 Lee. Remember? It's got the protection relay we were chatting about.
I've decided against bastardising it, and restoring the protection that's been bypassed, and just use that for a while to see if it sounds any good.
It may give me some peace of mind for a little while, and it's not too overpowered for using here at home at modest levels.
I'll hook it up to my PL4000 later today to see wot happens.
Later that day....
Got the 200 up and running (without the 4000).
Just straight out the back of my Yamaha DMP7 mixer (as a pre-amp) running my JBL 4313B's.
Wot a surprise!
Working perfectly, and dead quiet. No buzzes or crackling or spitting, or hums or anything.
I'll have to get used to THAT!