AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Lee Carly told me one time."Your the hardest person with the biggest heart I have ever seen". She must have been drunk.

Nando Getting parts is hit or miss as to the if it will work. I have to mod the new exhaust, wire harness. Then you shop for hardware from one site and go to another to buy something else. Maybe running this week. I rode the scooter for 5 years and left it out everyday. Laid it over one time. I paid 700.00 new. It was showing wear and tear. So instead of buying another for 800.00 I spent 400.00 to build a ground up restore. No rust on frame, no road rash. We shall see. I have a big hill by the house. Would like to stay above 30 mph going up. We shall see.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
On a little Asus tablet with doking keyboard. Listening to Frank Marino "Eye Of The Storm" To vape or not to vape is the question. Will be driving to DC. Woo Hoo In VA less than ouunce is a misdeammeanor . My spell check. That will be fun since I can't find the address or which alley. Pioneer no longer makes TTs. They sold the line. Wish I had the money I would be hitting oil furers and unleaded. Gotta get my propane filled. Metals also ride them as far as you can. The lower it goes the more you buy. Silver is just over 15. I think it may go 14s. I been a little beat up so I haven't been any where for awhile.I was in DC mon. and Tues. They ran tests till after 9 pm. I go to DC the 17th and have a aortic/bifem bypass. I have no measurable blood flow in my leg. I have I found out I have argoraphobia . I knew I was crazy just didn't know the name. Drove by the house again Vern. Why didn't you tell me we were home..Took a break from anything. Gotya finish the forks. One messed up place on one pnl then rub then install. No pics on here except face book. Taking for ever to type. I that wandering mind syndrome. Think I'll take a vipe ride. Anyone want some gross double apple 24 gm flavor vapes. Tastes like Boone's Farm apple wine. Just ordered 10 awg power wires for the scooter red and black plus terminals wonder if I can do a run on sentence did Fast go on his trip. Ever think about changing things in your life. Making a different choice. Logically you can't because it never happened. It is like worrying that this may happen. How can you worry about something that isn't real. I like Albert Ellis's approach to cognitive therapy. It is all in your head. LOL Most times in our thinking we give humans way to much credit. The only other toy I want is a 3/4 to 1 inch slate bar table. I'm saving and investing. The investing is for my Grandson's education. I had one stock jump 35% in a day or one week. Look up WIN. I'm up 18 now. Another that does well long term SPY. Yes I'm buying silver when I can. Last year I lost 20.00. I got bombed on a couple of penny stocks. Take the hit and walk away. This year I'm hovering at 9. The WIN I think I'm at 8.66 I have e1 shares. The SPY Im at 190.00 share have almost 4 shares. I'm the tortise. You to be a hare. Sell when I hit at least 10%. Sold 632ounces of silver for 24.00 I had 17.99 in it. I started at 32 and rode it hard when it hit the teens. It is a rush to me. I have a line of credit I do not ever touch. I know me. I use Sharebuilder. I think it is a 100.00 minimum in your acct for the 1st investments. You can buy full shares or by the dollar amt. I have had an acct for about 10 years.. I'll be signing off now.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
LOL You ain't seen nothing yet been awhile. Did you know according to Mr. Bill ORiely. The Republicans were elected to compromise with the Pres. This going to get ugly very quick. In TX 44% of the Latino vote wnent republican. I was watching Gillespie close the gap. I gave. I didn't get to vote. I had just got back from DC.. A gym with people isn't my idea of relaxing enviroment.. Steven Wilson. Gonna kick in RAM. What can you do if you live in a shoe. Dude what's your name? Dude Ok I have a question. If you had a gyro or a top and you wanted to keep it in a certain axis. How would you accomplish feat? Lee you have no idea dude. It ain't fair I tell you. LOL Where do you get your nic oil? Bing Bing Bing Richochet Rabbit. Follow the path my friends so you can see the visions I wish upon thee.Do not remorse over laughter and show no laughter at remorse It is the vision from within that is guided by the light to find the path to see what is at the end for thee.. We must not hide the light ; but we must guard it with all out might. Without the light ye are lost. It is best to share the light. A path without darkness is a much nicer path. I'll be back. LOL


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Evidently it's a different source than yours!! We have a local store Larrt. Good people in an old Cappucino hut in the truckstop parking lot. Low overhead....As far as the gyrop question goes're the airframe mech...not me.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Ah.....learn something new every day.....thanks Larrt You never played with a top? Just a little weight at the top axis it will change axis. Well you want to keep ia I think 3 degrees. Not everything is a constant. So you use a variable at both the bottom and top. Let's say ice. Plus you have Cent. force acting. So by using the ice you keep the top spinning at it certain axis by adding and removing ice. Like predicting and controlling weather. It really can't be done. This is my story and I'm sticking to it.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Dave Mathew's Band If you ever get a chance listen to some Epos 12.2s. Big foot print for a book shelf. I did a blind test with non=audio when I first got them. Out of the 162 and the 12.2. 3 paople said the 12s. I have come to relize they were right. Great lil speaker. It does like a little power. The more the better more open they become. Did you hear there were WMDs in Iraq. I knew this when it happened. C130 lands from Iraq. Camo netting gets thrown over it. Can't say how I know. Is the Oppo less stablighter. I have a Teslae or more touchy. I seem to get more messed up track. Keep grabbibg the lighter. Don't need no stinking lighter. I have a Tesla batryI hit oil again today.. Wonder if I can vape in my room at the VA. Can I write to you guys and you won't laugh at me drooling and stuff. I have a profound question. Well maybe not. Why do you limit the perscribing of pain killers because they are addicting?I say so what. There are people in real pain that needs them they don't abuse them. There are a lot of meds they wean you. You know why. Because they are addicting. Crestor is addictive if you need it to stay alive. So I am confused here. Is it the pills fault or is it the addicts fault. Don't give me the addict is misunderstood. LOL I understand them well.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Because those on high have determined being in pain is better than being addicted........obviously the laws were made by a bunch of bureaucrats that have never had chronic pain...more of that nanny state BULLSHIT!!


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Well I think the VA has figured out I have a temper. For the last 4 years I have been unhappy. When they took me off Clonazapam I got IBS and began to regress out of public. June I asked for a new shrink after he took me off Zoloft. So I go see the new Dr. She goes you're depressed and ordered Zoloft. On the IBS it took over 2 years of pain and the runs everyday for them to figure it out. One day I'm sitting here thinking when did all this start. Oh when he took me off Clonazapam. Well the new Dr. said she would see me monthly. That was June haven't seen her yet. I did do things when she put me back on Zoloft. I have a phobia of going into public. Well riding the bus to DC wasn't fun. Cold sweats the whole time panic attacks. So when I got back I contacted the VA Psych dept. Trying to get back in. Well yesterday I got an email from a Dr. Wanting to see me. Carly told me that was the Dr. I requested a new Dr. from. I go they aren't that dumb. Well I wondered while taking my med.s found his name on an older pill bottle it was him. I came unglued. I told him I wouldn't send my enemy to him. I wouldn't let him treat my animals. I said you made my life hell for 4 years. We will see If I can return the favor. Well I get an email from his asst. Saying this should be taken care of face to face. I go what the fuck don't you guys get. I don't talk on the phone nor go into public. I would see him face to face in court or a VA review board. With my surgery I would be laid up for awhile and I'm sure I can find a Malpractice atty to sue him personally and the VA. One responded today. Last week I went to see the surgeon and do tests. I had a fem/fem bypass scar over on one end. So they sent me to Balt. VA for surgery. I asked if they could fix the fem bypass. He said no it will scar over again. I have never tried this and I don't think it will work. We are going to auger the blockage out and stint where the blockage was. Well it didn't work. I asked if they could fix the fem bypass. They go sure if there isn't to much damage. So now I'm really pissed. He could have fixed me 10 years ago. He wanted to experiment with his students. So now Tues they will cut me from my ribs down to my groin. Plus I have a burn on my ankle that is not healing because of no blood flow. My Dr. ordered a drug for nerve pain on the 7th. The pharmacy is 47 miles away and no pain med.s. Every week my ankle peels leaving new skin with nerve endings very close to the top the air hurts it till Monday then I start to peel again. I see those children in commercials with burns all over their body. I mean what I feel on my ankle and their whole body is burned. Just took the saran wrap off cause it touching my skin hurt but now it is hurting more so it will go back on.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
It's tough to hear what you are experiencing, Larry. Your day-to-day life is being marred by pain and constant pain over a long period of time is exhausting your patience. I hope your surgery is successful and that you can bear through it and get better.



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Thanks for relating your VA experiences to us. Gives us an idea of what happens when career bureaucrats are in charge of our health care...


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Thanks for relating your VA experiences to us. Gives us an idea of what happens when career bureaucrats are in charge of our health care...
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage, and basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass," Jonathan Gruber said at the Annual Health Economics Conference about the Affordable Health Care law.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
I have a bunch of Clonzopam kicking around, the wife takes it for anxiety

Hope everything works out for you Tony, living in pain sucks. I do everyday with my back but I flat out refuse medication (at least for now)