Pulled the bias transistor P straps from Linda, lookin at this input wiring but it’s blowing like mad outside and I’m in my PJ’s drinking coffee rn so I’ll wait for sun up and the wind to die down to go get my meter from the shop, but loookin at the 700b schematic I see how it’s supposed to work but this amp has some slight differences... do the 700b’s have 4 RCA jacks? 2 per channel? Also I don’t see C22 physically in the circuit, it’s not internal in the switch is it? I also have connections to all three poles of the switch, which could make sense if the “direct” RCA jack is attached there... also with the DCP, the Zobel network in the third pick is removed from the amp and replaced by the one on the DCP board correct?
Oh and just to check, the correct bias transistors are 2N5088 right?
I guess just to clarify a bit here, I’ve never messed with this amp much (700/1), I plugged it into the “normal” RCA jacks I believe and it worked “normally” in that the level pots worked. If I’m reading this right, and make the connections at the board, the one set of RCA jacks will bypass the pots... if that connection was made AT the pot, it would function and I wouldn’t have doubled up input connections to the board. Again, I have to grab my meter and ohm out this switch to see exactly what the signal path is, but it sure looks like any other DPDT switch...