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    My New Early Model PL400 w/ 4 Fin Heat Sink

    If Jimmy Carter is the first thing you think of when the 70's are mentioned, you might have inhaled...
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    My New Early Model PL400 w/ 4 Fin Heat Sink

    Hey, don't knock the 70's... :p
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    Happy Pi Day ...

    My wife overheard some flight attendants talking on the shuttle bus and they were talking about Pi Day. One flight attendant mentioned that she heard it was Pi Day on the radio and one of the other flight attendants said she wondered who was participating in it and what was on sale. They thought...
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    Altec N809-8A Crossover

    In the future, if you want to upgrade the crossover, you can experiment with higher slope crossover points to increase power handling and better sound quality.
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    Altec N809-8A Crossover

    Roccus asked me for assistance with a crossover, so I thought I would share my opinion so everyone could see; I would suggest making a clone of the Altec crossover that was designed for your driver and horn. You'll need three parts for each cross-over (left and right): Supplier: Parts Express...
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    JBL L100's.. new??

    Hey Glenn, I built the one as proof of concept. I had it at work. I did not have room at home for a pair of JBL clones, so I never made a second. Someday I'll find the room I need to herd all my large speakers. "Real speakers have wheels!" ~ Nick
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    REW (Room EQ Wizard) Speaker Software

    I would start at the forum. I'd go thru set-up with you, but I am packing up to move. It's amazing how much "stuff" I have accumulated. I thought I was in my "forever home", but life had different plans.
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    JBL L100's.. new??

    When I worked with the home audio group (Advent and AR) developing speakers, they would get sample speakers from our German sister company that were already in production. However, we had to change the crossover every time because the sample speakers had the "European sound", which in contrast...
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    REW (Room EQ Wizard) Speaker Software

    Has anybody used this? I downloaded it last summer and it is great. Takes awhile to learn, but it seems to be fairly accurate using an old Radio Shack sound meter. There is even a calibration file you can download to make the Radio Shack sound meter perform better than it should. I compared...
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    Looking to upgrade to horns

    For someone who is patient (and has mid-level wood working skills at least) and wants to slowly build a horn system, I would recommend a two-piece ported La Scala system. The La Scala is much easier to construct than a K-Horn with minimal angles to figure out. Construct the bass cabinet as a...
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    Hello Folks

    Hi Vito, Welcome to the forum. Since you have listened to a lot of 700's (I presume from your collector days), the 700HF appears to be your favorite. Can you describe any sonic differences (or any other differences you would like to share) between a 700, 700b, 700HF and 700II? Thanks, Nick
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    Phase Linear 700 (Near Disaster Averted)

    Ed, As I said, when we spoke on the phone (or via email, I can't remember), the PL14A I converted to a PL20 (and added the zener diode to the diff pair emitter circuit) is my favorite version of the original PL designs right now. That same 400 I converted to full comp and sounds great. I also...
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    Phase Linear 700 (Near Disaster Averted)

    Ed, What is your favorite model of the 700's (700, 700B, 700ll, 700HF)? I prefer the PL14A/B or PL20 versions, although I want to try the 700HF version as well.
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    RSD (Recording Studio Design) ( renamed: Studiomaster) 800B vs Phase Linear 400

    I just noticed some notes on the 800b schematic at the bottom edge... Output Power @ 1kHz, prior to clipping, <0.25%: 120W, 16 Ohm 220W, 8 Ohm 340W, 4 Ohm 480W, 2 Ohm It appears the notes on the schematic are valid, but the other specs from the sales brochure, etc are typically marketing numbers.
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    RSD (Recording Studio Design) ( renamed: Studiomaster) 800B vs Phase Linear 400

    It appears the 800b is a direct copy of the PL400. I wasn’t aware of this amp until now. I’m surprised the 800b uses 2N3773’s for outputs. The power supply is 150 volts according to the schematic, but the 3773’s are only rated at 140VDC. Not a good selection for reliability and operating...
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    Phase Linear 200 rebuild

    The design of the 200 is very similar to the 400/700 design. The only difference being the 200 is a Darlington output stage or emitter follower (EF2) output stage. The 400/700 is a triple emitter follower output stage (EF3). Technically, the EF2 should be more stable, but various design choices...
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    Mono Amp Powers Supply's

    Sounds good. FYI - Don't have your mobile phone right next to you either when you are soldering / tinkering... on more than one occasion, my phone rang or a notification would ring-out just when I was measuring a high voltage or soldering in a sensitive area (with equipment off) and I would...
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    Mono Amp Powers Supply's

    Hey Ed, The PL-36 v2 pcb that Perry has is a clone (had these made back in 2005) of the original PL-36, except I built-in a bridging option and I used a dual op-amp for the configuration. Perry's use of a TL0-72 is basically the Texas Instruments version of the National LF353, which I'm sure you...
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    Mono Amp Powers Supply's

    Nice Perry. I'm not sure what component values you are using for the bridge option. I have posted the latest recommended values. You should get at least 1100 watts in mono mode for each channel if your power supply is +/- 100VDC (regulated at least as good as a factory 700). Judging from the...
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    Original PL14A or PL20 Drive Boards Wanted

    Perry, The ones on eBay are PL36's. I've got plenty of those. I'm looking specifically for the PL14A or PL20. Thx, Nick