
Chief Journeyman
Jul 28, 2011
Wise, Virginia
Kevin...Sonos is a Brand

You can program all the inputs to say whatever you want. The previous owner must have had a SONOS brand CDP or some component. All you have to do is reprogram the name of the input to "CD" if that is what you want it to say..


Forum Veteran and Hillbilly
Dec 22, 2011
Wise VA
Where were you weeks ago when I was having all this trouble ???? LOL.... I know... I know.. Don't answer that ! Ive sure learned alot about this pre amp !!! Sherwood call me back after the holidays ! Im not near as scared of it as I was !!!!!


Chief Journeyman
Jul 28, 2011
Wise, Virginia
Did you get the input renamed?

Did they help you get it renamed? I've read about how to do it in the manual, but have never done it myself. I have got to talk to you about what all you have learned. Is there more stuff that we are not using, that you now know how to use? I'm sure there has to be.

I'm working on the mini-dsp unit, and just took my fist measurement, and sent an email to you. Looks pretty cool, but again, the response was based on where I had the mic placed t was not in my usual listening place ether, so I gotta re-do it. I am also going to have to find a mentor to help me get through the learning curve. I'm about as good at reading manuals as you are. I always just want to "figure it out" by myself, ad that isn't how tis stuff works. It's a little too complicated than that. Firs thing I have to do and determine how to do) is calibrating my soundcard in my laptop.

Then I need to get a pair of speakers ready to measure (gotta route the darn holes for the drivers.) I'm going to start with the Fountek project using the FW168 woofer and the Peavey Versarray (founek ribbon) tweeter............unless someone tells me NOOOOO...son't start with a ribbon you fool...

So, any volunteers to help me figure this out, and help me get the soundcard calibrated? PLEASE...


Chief Journeyman
Jul 28, 2011
Wise, Virginia
Not Yet....

The more I read and study, the tougher this project is looking. I started out thinking I could just build some new line arrays, using different drivers and the same basic enclosure configuration, but looks like I am really wrong and that Zack or whomever chimed in when I said I wasn't going to use "power tapering"...was correct.

That opened a can of worms. I then got into the CBT theory and practice.

Look at the Parts Express CBT36 Line Array, and more specifically the instruction manual which you can find on the left side of the page, and you'll see what I mean. I don't know that I can build a line array using the Versarray tweeters and totally accomplish what has already been done with the CBT 36...

I might be able to build a series of traditional square-rectangular type enclosures all tied together and braced to get to the proper arc....but I just don't know. I do know it would be one hell of a project....and I know I can't just build an arced baffle, as the tweeters are straight and the baffle would be curved.....and that wouldn't work. I'm leaning more towards a Peavey style Versarray copy, but using only the tweeters and a mid bass big ass woofers.. I'll let the sub handle everything below about 55 60 hz...

At the end of the day, I don't know if what I built would sound any better than the CBT36... although it would be different, and I would have the ONLY PAIR in t world. At any rate, I'm going to have to have technical help. And someone who understands the theory to tell me if I'm off on a wild goose chase...or if I would be better off just staying with the Linus Arrays. I do know that Selah Audio does custom line array design. I may have to talk to Rick...and see what he thinks too...


Forum Veteran and Hillbilly
Dec 22, 2011
Wise VA
Sutton..... I'm going to say this again...... I think if you would get those Altec's out of your living room and put the speakers you got out in the garage in place of them you wouldn't be doing all this other stuff.... I still say the best you got are sitting in your garage with no crossover !!!!!! I know I'm not spending another dime on a speaker until I set a pair of K-horns in my living room and slap a 700 on them !!!! I know how much you enjoy fooling with that stuff and learning all that BUT.... Is it really going to sound THAT much better !!!!


Chief Journeyman
Jul 28, 2011
Wise, Virginia
And your stuff will too

when I figure out this DSP stuff and you finally open that wallet and give me the go ahead to order the mini-dsp unit(s) you will need...I eventually get you to do what I do...or you wouldn''t be into WOPL... Remember how hard you fought that? It goes all the way back to the Paradigms.....and maybe before that...


Forum Veteran and Hillbilly
Dec 22, 2011
Wise VA
when I figure out this DSP stuff and you finally open that wallet and give me the go ahead to order the mini-dsp unit(s) you will need...I eventually get you to do what I do...or you wouldn''t be into WOPL... Remember how hard you fought that? It goes all the way back to the Paradigms.....and maybe before that...
Maybe.... Just Maybe !!!! But after I get the K-horns.... I can't do nutton till I do that !!!


Chief Journeyman
Jul 28, 2011
Wise, Virginia
He took a little while

If his Haflers weren't down and not working, I don't know how olo9ng it would have taken. He is a very shrewd businessman. When he got his P-6965, I saw it on eBay for basically almost free compared to what I paid for mine. He got a beauty, complete with box, both remotes, the AMAND FM antenna, EVERY"THING...He got a REAL DEAL...

What is everyone else using for pre/pro I their theatre system? I theP-965 still as good as it was compared to newer offerings?

And is Kevin getting he wood Traxix DIY kit? the 400? I talked to the guy who makes them yesterday on the phone.


Forum Veteran and Hillbilly
Dec 22, 2011
Wise VA
Just how hard did you fight WOPLization???
It was 1978..... I was in the 10th grade... Sutton's brother and I were best friends... I was at William's house ALOT ! Sutton was off in college somewhere but at the time in the game room was this BAD ASS STEREO !!! From that day on Sutton was my stereo hero !!! Years went by and one night real late after the bars closed there i was at Sutton's house looking at another BIG stereo... This was about 1985 ..... From that day on suttonn and I became best friends and YEP... He has always been the brains behind my stereo !!! If he had it.... I wanted it !!!!! LOL... To answere your question Lee it's not that I fought it... I always had a hard time keeping up financially.. I was loaded up with 4 Hafler amps.... That I got through him.... And he tells me I gotta get PL amps now... They are the new shit !!!! Then he tells me about this Forum I gotta check out... And about some LEE dude that can rebuild them and make them better than they were when they were new !!! I've have met some of the best guys ever on here and thankful again for Sutton's guidance....