AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Porcupine Tree Lubing the new toy up. Getting it to travel like I want. Need bolts. This may take practice. Ken Hey I think Carly took you box. FINALLY no thanks to me. The movie Pineapple Express is great. If you know what I mean Vern. Tired of working on puters.Would post pics. I forget and just post broken links. Gov't Mule No flipping tapes, no flipping LPs. Hours of jams. Time to wash the inside of my garage door. Gotta put the tin foil back up.Garage door open. Yes the links are probably broken. Kid Rock


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Arlo Guthrie – Alice's Restaurant Massacre 1st song on Thanksgiving. We at life differently. Somethings we are thankful for are different. We all walk as different a path as every snowflake is different. We can just accept the deal we have been dealt or we can keep changing our path to overcome. Some people just give up. There is times I wanted to. Today I look at things a lot differently. Self-pity is a hard thing to justify. I could go on a tangent about the Pilgrims. Let us look at the Indians this day. Without the Indians and the use of Free Will. No one made them help. They probably had been hungry before. Free Will is the greatest freedom. Americans are the most giving nation in the world. That we should be thankful for. Be forced to give breads resentment. Got into a debate of the Indians being Socialist. The Indians believed in everything having a soul or will. They gave thanks for everything. Even their dead they gave thanks because they knew they were going to a better place. They tried to give back more or equal to what they took from the Earth. They didn't over hunt or take from the ground more than was needed. They were giving to the people after them. It is about give and take. I tried to explain to my Son. This owe me thing. This is an example I gave him. My Father left when I was 11. He embezzled 100s of thousands of dollars. He sold all assets ; but our home. I went from living large to getting Gov't. cheese. That Purebred Hereford I had in the barn. Was gone I raised show cattle I was in 4H. Never saw my Dad again till I was in the USAF. I wasn't angry. I loved my Dad. My Dad loved me. I never asked him why. I never questioned him at all. My Father didn't owe me his love. Nor did I he. I confused my Mother. If I loved you I didn't put conditions on it. I did this for you now you must do this reasoning doesn't work with me. No one owes you one thing on this earth. Pay it forward. Just like if you keep going to the well it will go dry.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Porcupine Tree – Deadwing Spotify just bought the rights to Led. Led Zeppelin – The Complete Studio Albums I can honestly say I don't have this. Might have to bring the Creek out here. Doing the ST 80 at the moment. With the Creek I can bi-wire the 12.2s. It has A/B speaker outputs.

Been cleaning. Really I move stuff from point A to B. To be dealt with at a later date. Just put the belt on the scooter. Put rear tire on. Then will do fairings. Been working on an old table. I do nothing fast. I have improved. I can go to my tool box and pull out the drawer with the tools I need. Some very good Blues. Jimmy Page can play some blues. I bid thee farewell.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Doing some Johnny Lang "Lie To Me". Kicking back in the garage. Wondering how the rest of the world has me confused for someone else. Having a mind wandering destination planning session.Mr. Lang has my respect. Stay tune for further updates. I'm back. Low 60 degrees tonight. The kids across the street moved. I'm back to being the noisiest one in the neighborhood. We had a foot of snow on the ground at one point. I love weather. Storms rock my world. Blizzards to hurricanes. Spring is my favorite though. Everything coming back to life. Carly found the Christmas decorations. I'm thinking it is a hint. LOL Man I wish I had the remote for this Onix. Oh the garage door is open. Trying to think of what to do.

This rant has been building for days.
If you don't use them. You won't miss them till they are gone. What the gov't. thinks it gives. It can take away. Do we want to be like Europe. Where a soldier can be almost decapitated and they have to wait for a gun carrying officer. To shoot them. Depending on the state I wouldn't advise it. Could get you dead. Before the police arrive. Steven Wilson "The Raven That Refused To Sing" The closer I get to the mind wandering goal. I love the aural stimulation of complex sounds. I use to be able to listen to Floyd for hours. Umma Gumma was on top rotation. Cassettes in my tool bag and and a walkman somewhere close. I was little and I would stay till it was done. I was a tank rat. Never had a fuel leak. I use to go in the vert.s of 27s. Just a tad off subject huh.

I'll get back there the aeronautical sexual intercourse in a rotating circumference. Random acts of the thought process. Things you think; but never say. Just think if someone could read every thought you have. I hope they can explain the stupid ones better than I can. I can't explain being human. I do really dumb stuff all the time. Thought about making a tape for about 10 sec.s
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Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Larry: A "mind wandering destination planning session" is code for listening to music, perhaps Pink Floyd? You kill me with your terminology and speakisms.



Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
Saw Jonny Lang in concert when he was like 17... think I was around the same age too.... not only was the band and songs good that kid could shred. He opened for Aerosmith.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof

The "bid thee farewell" didn't look right man.I'll remember the "Always. Why?" before fromnow on..

I'll get back there the aeronautical sexual intercourse in a rotating circumference.--Translated would be---"A flying F&^% through a rolling donut??


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
The "bid thee farewell" didn't look right man.I'll remember the "Always. Why?" before fromnow on..

I'll get back there the aeronautical sexual intercourse in a rotating circumference.--Translated would be---"A flying F&^% through a rolling donut??
Listening to my Christmas music. Trans and Mann. We are so fortunate. Here is a Christmas Story. I lived at a junk yard. I took care of it on the weekends. I lost my job working on a Water Treatment plant. My wife had left me with my two sons. The Head of Int'l Paper lived right down the road. Their son had committed suicide weeks before. Every time I would go past their house. I felt so sad for them. The owner of the junk yard told me to turn on the porch light when the boys went to sleep on Christmas Eve. I had made them gifts. These people show up with gifts and food. No one would say who they were or why. They just put the food up and put the gifts under the tree. It took me awhile. It was the people who lost their son. I do not know who told them. Just remember there is always someone worse off than us.
Merry Christmas


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I don't know what it is, it's Radio Boise, it's African, it's Basque, it's in english, it's better than tracking Santa by NORAD. Dude has clearance anyhow :p


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Listening to my Christmas music. Trans and Mann. We are so fortunate. Here is a Christmas Story. I lived at a junk yard. I took care of it on the weekends. I lost my job working on a Water Treatment plant. My wife had left me with my two sons. The Head of Int'l Paper lived right down the road. Their son had committed suicide weeks before. Every time I would go past their house. I felt so sad for them. The owner of the junk yard told me to turn on the porch light when the boys went to sleep on Christmas Eve. I had made them gifts. These people show up with gifts and food. No one would say who they were or why. They just put the food up and put the gifts under the tree. It took me awhile. It was the people who lost their son. I do not know who told them. Just remember there is always someone worse off than us.
Merry Christmas
Oh man, Larry, that is indeed a sad but endearing life experience. Here's one Geri and I watched a few days ago. Quite emotional - have the Kleenex, nearby. Merry Christmas to you both!



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
The suicide thing got to me Larry, just pray you never have to identify your son his tattoo's.....


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
It wasn't meant to make anyone sad or feel bad. It was to say we all have a different perspective. They felt for me and I felt for them. Even with the loss of their Son they felt for me. I was poor and felt for them. We harden our hearts when we only think of ourselves. Christmas is a time of selflessness. Just think you have a new born son. Who you know is going to die for others. That is his purpose in life. How would you handle it. The Fireman that pulls a lifeless body from a car wreck the day before Christmas and it is his daughter. The people who have their home burn down on Christmas day. It is like the guy standing outside Walmart with a sign on.
I have a car.
I have a job.
I have a roof over my head.
Do you need 5.00?

We all have things in our life that causes problems. I call them demons. While Carly was at the hospital yesterday she asked if it could be worse. I told her to stop. A hundred things went through my mind that could be worse than seeing the Dr. and being able to pay for it. To me I was thankful I had a home to go to with a car with the electricity on. It is hard some times to see the forest for the trees. I could be homeless in Memphis. I could be back at the junk yard. Today I sit in my heated garage. There is a car I didn't build from junk yard parts in my drive way. Things happen for a reason. We don't always know why; but there is a reason. I think the biggest thing is how we deal with them. Our actions towards others after things have happened. Empathy and humility are good things. There was a study. That those that gave received back more than they gave. It isn't only material things. No one on here knows me from my prior lives. Carly's description of me one day was. You are the hardest man with the biggest heart I have ever seen. I laughed. Lee remember your Grandson in that hospital and think how blessed you are he is still here. It is like the saying. 1 Oh Crap can wipe out a thousand atta boys. It seems like a bad memory can wipe out a thousand good ones. Even with the bad ones we must remember them; but we have to figure out how to use them for good. I think it all boils down to the Love for our fellow man. Trust me I do not have all the answers. I just try to keep things in perspective. Not from my point of view; but from others point of view. Things happen for a reason. Thanks for responding there was a reason. You helped me so much.