Well.... (gulp).... folks we had an "incident" tonight.... And JOE.. dagnabit.... you're like the "Prophet of PLWO" sometimes. You had some reservations on those 100V caps, and seeing as how this guy's been "clocked" at close to 108 yup.... 
(sad story to follow)...
So there I was... just chilling with the amp on.. barely anything... and then I hear my UPS "click" and hear this funny sound from it at the same time. Music was still going... hmmm.. wtf? Then my UPS pops up that warning.... "you have overloaded your UPS"...
As soon as I hit the power on the amp, PWOOOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!! I hear something like a steam valve go off.. then all this nasty ass smoke pours out of the top. FWUUUUUCK!
Get it apart... one of the cap's spooged a good amount of electrolyte, and man .. it's HOT AS HELL...
DAMN DAMN DAMN.. Well Richard, it was good it was still here! But we're looking at new caps again. I'll take the hit for that.
BUT... I think guys I'm going to have to go with what I can get, and also NOT put anything in this "hottie" below 150 wvdc! Can't take that chance.
I see 11,000 uF's available right now that are 150V and will fit. Think that ought to be "enough" guys? Again, I can't take the chance of this happening again. I probably should replace the BR for good measure, too.
(dang... yep Lee... we gotta "keep em" for a week or so sometimes, eh??)

(sad story to follow)...
So there I was... just chilling with the amp on.. barely anything... and then I hear my UPS "click" and hear this funny sound from it at the same time. Music was still going... hmmm.. wtf? Then my UPS pops up that warning.... "you have overloaded your UPS"...
As soon as I hit the power on the amp, PWOOOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!! I hear something like a steam valve go off.. then all this nasty ass smoke pours out of the top. FWUUUUUCK!
Get it apart... one of the cap's spooged a good amount of electrolyte, and man .. it's HOT AS HELL...
DAMN DAMN DAMN.. Well Richard, it was good it was still here! But we're looking at new caps again. I'll take the hit for that.
BUT... I think guys I'm going to have to go with what I can get, and also NOT put anything in this "hottie" below 150 wvdc! Can't take that chance.
I see 11,000 uF's available right now that are 150V and will fit. Think that ought to be "enough" guys? Again, I can't take the chance of this happening again. I probably should replace the BR for good measure, too.
(dang... yep Lee... we gotta "keep em" for a week or so sometimes, eh??)