Just is. You have to have permission or in case of an accident. Customers and just somethings that you can't do. Why is an Aircraft Mech semi-skilled and an Auto Mech skilled according to the Dept. of Labor?
I tried being objective once, but it violated my inner gut feeling too many times. The measurements all pointed to Yorx, but the supermodels laughing and pointing lead me to another brand.
I tried being objective once, but it violated my inner gut feeling too many times. The measurements all pointed to Yorx, but the supermodels laughing and pointing lead me to another brand.
OK so how does this work? In life you are going to be both. Subjective is a natural thought process. Objective is a learned process. If you are to objective the sound becomes sterile. I know I contradict in a way. I'm sitting here thinking this out.It is a natural process to think this sounds better because it cost more. May not be true. Being subjective I would not suggest anyone buy a Cary product. They sound good. I may have gotten a pair of lemons.This last problem is my fault. Right now the music is to dark to really like in my opinion. I can hear the cymbals they are just not life like. I'm on headphones. So which component is doing this. I'm betting the Bellari.I could use the HK preamp. It has a headphone outlet. Being objective here. I like tubes. I just think it is the Ballari. Took the Parasound DAC out of the loop. Still the same sound.. Wonder if a filter will get rid of the hum? Had to use tone controls. The Hafler is next.3/4 knob on the treble. Rule nothing out. Hum is the Hafler. The darkness is the Ballari. This little HK through the headphones sounds pretty good. No tone controls. So now do I pull the Parasounds into rotation. HMMMM DAC back in. Better than just the CDP. The CDP was brighter. Still bright just not as. Doesn't answer the big question though. Both the Hafler and the Bellari can be improved upon. Use them as a base and build upon it? They go in the closet. Not a subjective thought in my head at the moment.
There are actual problems. Then there is the objective approach to reach your ideal subjective taste. That's why no matter how objective a person can be, the end result will always be from subjective satisfaction at the end. Which is the same reason why no one agrees on any of this stuff.
There are actual problems. Then there is the objective approach to reach your ideal subjective taste. That's why no matter how objective a person can be, the end result will always be from subjective satisfaction at the end. Which is the same reason why no one agrees on any of this stuff.
Very well put. Wish I had said it. LOL Yes I think I do know what good sounds like. Maybe not. Maybe I don't know. I try to be objective to get the subjective sound. LOL
It stimulates the thought process. LOL I try to be very rational when spending money. Just came to a conclusion. Never mind. Oh my conclusion is that the sound deadening with the metal cover may be causing the hum. Since the phono amp is very sensitive. I do mess up on things. That is how I learn. I will send another type to cover what is in there.
It stimulates the thought process. LOL I try to be very rational when spending money. Just came to a conclusion. Never mind. Oh my conclusion is that the sound deadening with the metal cover may be causing the hum. Since the phono amp is very sensitive. I do mess up on things. That is how I learn. I will send another type to cover what is in there.
Well, don't get excited yet. Till we see if thats the problem. Ya might see if John fell offg the face of the earth. Haven't heard from him since he got back from vacation two weeks ago.