My fangers are getting cramped from sanding, time for a break. I started with 220 and went to 320, that should be good. I'll finish with some green scratchy and then I need to figure out if I need a etcher/primer for the base and see if a black or a white sealer is going to bring out the color the best. I should probably install new O-rings and stuff in the Iwata Air Brush. The tone arm should come out nice hopefully. I have a couple colors (Createx Wicked Colors) picked out for a little pizzazz.....
You know- the clear coat has fish scales in it, so it changes color in the light.
Used a lot on custom cars. I think I have a bottle of blue from the guitar making daze... mix the powder into the clear (in my case) but they probably sell flip-flop clear at Auto Zone these days.
I picked up a used Iwata air brush compressor for cheap. I used to use my Porter Cable pancake and it ruined many a bad paint jobs by scaring the hell out of me when I was concentrating on a task, and then that loud sumbitch would start up and I'd end up painting a green stripe on the wife's dog. The Iwata 850 is nice and quiet so now I can do bad paint jobs in peace and quiet.
The platter pad should be here in a couple days and I should probably get moving on the tonearm so I can finish the TT. I can't do anything yet with the cabinet because the weather is too cold to do sanding/painting of it so I can get the arm rewired and get the unit all tested to see if the idler tires are going to cut it. I got a custom builder who will make me 2 new ones but I need to send them to him so he can manufacture them.
Got my cork/rubber platter mat in so I put it on and cut the hole for the 45 adaptor which pops up. I also put power to it an all is well. I got the arm primed and temporarily installed to check it all out. I'll get the speed dialed in later. Wanted to see if the idler wheels were functioning correctly, they are. I still may have a set built. It's $200 but what the hell. Here is a couple pics. Still need to order the arm wire. But it is progressing and looking WAY better than it was when I dug it out of it's hiding spot. The wife talked me out of blinging out the tome arm so I'll maybe go with a satin black and clear it. ?????
Got my cork/rubber platter mat in so I put it on and cut the hole for the 45 adaptor which pops up. I also put power to it an all is well. I got the arm primed and temporarily installed to check it all out. I'll get the speed dialed in later. Wanted to see if the idler wheels were functioning correctly, they are. I still may have a set built. It's $200 but what the hell. Here is a couple pics. Still need to order the arm wire. But it is progressing and looking WAY better than it was when I dug it out of it's hiding spot. The wife talked me out of blinging out the tome arm so I'll maybe go with a satin black and clear it. ?????
And when I'm not spinning vinyl on it, I can use it for a Char-Cooter-EE/Lazy Susan. It will hold a keg easy. And one of them 40Lb fruit cakes from Christmas.
Glen is going to help me figure out a cartridge for it and figure out which wires to use. I have 3 bucks left in the budget so I should be able to get somethin special
I just gotta post a pic of what was in there, and the mounting pad where it was attached to. I should be looking for a Concorde and some JB Weld since it wont work on this arm without some engineering, but iffn ya wants to do some scratchin....
ANybody know how to turn a container of gloss black into satin black??? I want to do the arm in satin black and clear it but I don't think they (Createx) make a satin for the air brush. I guess a trip to Joanne Fabric will be in order. I thought I read about thinning the gloss black out would take the shine off it. And top it with some satin clear. ...