On the rear of every computer power supply. Takes a special one for the 400s. Gene, sent you two and a package of JB Weld. Going to be interesting if it all gets through customs.
Time for yard work, the sun's burned off the dew. Should have a little time this evening to work on the amp. I have a DC ground wire to the DCP bundled with the AC. A big no no. Have to fix that. I have to admit I was pretty lost when I built this one. Later.
please dont say that....lol
this is an all or nothing deal....if there is one thing customs deems inappropriate....they keep it all...
i have learned that if i ship something sketchy....i send it by itself....
and the worst part....it depends on who the agent is about how your stuff gets classified....one lot of transistors recently was classified differently that another lot of the same value transistors...
i ordered new hood struts....as mine are too weak to hold up the hood....it was classified as two pieces of metal...
i guess they dont know what they are...
anyway....it is all good...i am very blessed.....now with new friends looking out for me here at phoenix....I DO APPRECIATE IT...JUST TRYING TO LEARN!!
i just paid my bills on the 10th....internet...2 cell phones...2 water...electricity...my health insurance...jerrys health insurance....
249 dollars....i know some things are a pain here...but, it evens out...no place is perfect....i feel i am in the top 5....lol
if you are conservative....it can pay off...the more i save...the more i have for my toys....lol
before i started paying attention....and put in the solar hot water and solar panels....my electricity bill was about what my total bills are now...