Hold on, I got this. 5x tippet is .006 inch, 6x is .005 inch, 3x is .008 if Dad's old H. L. Leonard leaders and my spool of 5x tippet material are to be believed. Get to your nearest BassPro/Cabelas/Sportsmans Warehouse, etc. and look in the fly fishing section to sample the spools of tippet material and get the size you think would work best. Dad's old 3X Leonard's feel a little stiff to me but 5x feels flimsier than the monofilament SME used on a 3009 arm I had on a Rek-O-Kut table as a kid in high school. 4x maybe? Try some - at $5 or $6 per spool, you can afford to experiment.
Edit: ignore the tapered leaders, get the spool(s) of tippet material. Cheaper and more of each size.
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