Micro Seiki DQX-500 Turntable resto-mod


Chief Journeyman
Nov 3, 2021
Houston Texas
Play the Game, don’t be the Game
There is no clear answer that I could find out there but i was trying to determine the significance/difference in the “X” suffix, and no suffix arms.

I did notice that the “X” suffix headshells have coaxial leads for the cartridge, and I believe they used it within the arm as well,where they could, but maybe not. The pivot area would be a problem but I can’t pin anything down otherwise.

I am reasonably certain it is not silver wire- popular theory is that is the “S” suffix arm, but one first hand account I read from a rewire, indicated silver plated copper wire as opposed to solid silver. Still nice and maybe even audible… due to signal amplitude I would expect subtle changes to be more audible here than elsewhere.
The wire in both of my arms is copper and I had originally planned on replacing it but have two problems. First the stand alone arm has a female plug at the headshell end that I can’t get out without destroying it and the second is that since these use a torsion bar design for setting the tracking force, the wires have to travel under it to make the 90 degree turn down the main bearing tube. I don’t think I have enough room to snake the wires through without removing the torsion bar and I am chicken to go that far.


Chief Journeyman
Nov 3, 2021
Houston Texas
Play the Game, don’t be the Game
Spencer, this link may help you get that female connector out. Never seen any of these high $ MS turntables first hand. Anyhow, this is how the AR guys do it. I'll be doing my AR-XB sometime soon using this technique.
Thanks George, that is similar but unfortunately the connector on mine is down in the tube and heavily glued. I have some de-bonding stuff that I am going to try but confidence is low that it will work. If I could figure out how the arm tube attaches to the main body then i could push it out from the inside but so far I have not figured that out.