Earlier today we were kicking around some ideas for a home electronics lab/workspace that I've been promising myself for the last half of my career.
Of course, no conversation like that is complete without considering the Feng Shui aspect -- which always leads to the subject of 'chi'.
So this would obviously remind me of the 2 following videos involving the guy I'd most like to pattern my own 'retirement' after: -
The Shat -
To properly set up the 2nd video (which is what I'm listening to 2nite) ...I first need you to watch video #1, ~30 seconds in length:
The Shat, well past normal retirement age, driving ~160mph as a 'Celebrity Racer'}
And here's the second video. William Shatner is on Conan O'Brien's late night show. Conan proceeds to goof on The Shat about the Woooo thing.
And then somebody takes
both videos & makes it into this third video - a remix w/a nifty beat:
So that's at least 3 layers all melded together. Whoever made this up would be a fascinating person to hang out with...
Now what? Well, the next time you are hanging out with fellow trekkies and/or need to liven up a quiet family function, feel free to
share the wealth.
It really makes people laugh...and a few dance with joy.
Cheers --