I understand from your documentation in an earlier post that this is an NPN transistor, so with the amp discharged and unplugged, I set my DMM to diode test mode, placed the positive lead on B and then touched the negative lead to C and E.
C: .761, no beep
E: .179, beep
On the good channel, the same procedure yields:
C: .588, beep
E: .588, beep
I'm not sure if this totally diagnoses it as the transistor since it is still in the circuit and I don't know what effects that has, but it's obviously way different. Very handy to have a working example right there – glad we have two ears! I didn't know I could test a transistor this way – thanks for the learning experience.
As an aside, the other 300 example I have turned out to have a minor misbias problem that was making it run a little hot on one channel and with the knowledge I gained here I was able to correct that easily.