And more wings. Let em in.
Reminds me of '76, when we just got back in the US from Morocco. Bought the van (respect the van LOL), which was one awesome Dodge van, complete with a sink and an actual bed in the back of the van. Seriously cool.. we went "cross country" back then, going from PA to Pascagoula for a quick 8 months stop, and then the old man got orders to Guam. We went via the Dodge from there to San Fran, where the van was shipped and we went flying "Flying Tigers" through Hawaii, and onwards to Guam international.
We left the van there in Guam, right around 1980 or so. That was the transition to Hawaii where we stayed from '79 to I think '81.
Good times... It was actually pretty cool to be a military brat back then....