Ok, here's a quick update.
Replaced all outputs on the right channel (left is fine). Replaced Q7 and the resistor quad that smoked. Double checked Q9, and HERE is where I think the failure occurred as it was short collector to emitter. Replaced that one too.
Powered up, and the right channel was way positive (on the order of going to the rail, basically). Started probing the backplane..
In addition to every negative output gone, the "hit" took out every emitter/current resistor... opened it right up. And the 10 ohm bias resistor for the negative half, and one of the positive resistors!
Well, now we're going to be lifting up the right channel backplane to replace 'em. I believe I have a stash here somewhere.
More tomorrow.. long night, and I'm bushed. But the end is nigh.. Hope to have some "pimpin ass bass" going through it again tomorrow LOL..