Nick Danger's Yamaha M80 Amplifier Repair/ Restoration


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
No, Micas, poly's, everything but electrolytic and some special oil filled are non-polar. Of course there are some non-polar electros too.

I think the 3rd leg on that cap is for mounting purposes only. Doug run your meter on pairings with that leg that sits out there by itself....i believe youll find it non-conductive.....then there's a slew of caps to use. When replacing any Blackgate that's bad go with a Nichicon KZ...

Nick Danger

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 28, 2013
Cheers, Lee. That was what I was thinking and will give it a shot tomorrow after work. Is it true that mica caps usually don't go bad, it's mostly the electrolytic ones that fail?


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Yep, it would have to be severely overvolted to actually fail. Never had one in the WOPL's go ......and I've had some wild voltage all over those boards...


New Around These Parts
Aug 3, 2014
Douglas County, Colorado
Agree on using KZ for Blackgate replacements if possible. FG would be my next choice. If you get REALLY desperate, I have some KW 220uf 10v that would work.

I WOULD NOT put those caps back in there, especially the 220uf Blackgate. Due to the DSBG those are highly prone to failure and going squiffy.

The 1000uf 100V is, in fact, only a single two legged cap. Alas, my stock on those are depleted. Mouser has KW's in stock.

I don't see anything decent at Mouser for the 220uf. The FG caps are on backorder into November.

I didn't see much at Digikey has FG 220uf/16v FW series 1000uf/100V

It's probably looking like partsconnexion is your best bet if you want to single source. If you just want to order the KW 1000/100v from Mouser and use the 220uf/10v KW I have, just shoot me a PM to arrange. I have plenty of them.

Nick Danger

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 28, 2013
Thanks, guys!

Appreciate the links for the caps!

So here is the parts list I have compiled to do the repair(thanks again for the list, brutal)

C111/ C112 ~ 220uf/6.3V

C162/ C163~ 1000uf/100V

D119~ RD3.0EB2 3.01-3.22 20mA .5W- use any .5W 20mA 3V DO-35 Zener (1N5225B)

R125, 126 | 390 Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof (per schematic)- I got 330 as reading off ones that I removed? Service manual states 330 for this location. Whaddaya think?

R137~ 1K Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof resistors

R233/ R234~ 430/470 Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof resistors (measure as the schem differs on these)- I got 470.

R231/ R232~ 330K Ohm Carbon Film resistors- are these .25W as well?

Gonna start hunting for these parts now that I am a bit more caught up at work. I may be hitting you up for those caps if I can't find them, brutal. Appreciate the offer for the parts!

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New Around These Parts
Aug 3, 2014
Douglas County, Colorado
Appreciate the links for the caps!

So here is the parts list I have compiled to do the repair(thanks again for the list, brutal)

C111/ C112 ~ 220uf/6.3V

C162/ C163~ 1000uf/100V

D119~ RD3.0EB2 3.01-3.22 20mA .5W- use any .5W 20mA 3V DO-35 Zener (1N5225B)

R125, 126 | 390 Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof (per schematic)- I got 330 as reading off ones that I removed? Service manual states 330 for this location. Whaddaya think?

R137~ 1K Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof resistors

R233/ R234~ 430/470 Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof resistors (measure as the schem differs on these)- I got 470.

R231/ R232~ 330K Ohm Carbon Film resistors- are these .25W as well?

Gonna start hunting for these parts now that I am a bit more caught up at work. I may be hitting you up for those caps if I can't find them, brutal. Appreciate the offer for the parts!

Does your SM cover the changes and mods that occurred in the serial number ranges?

I don't have my stuff handy, Avionic should have a pulse on that.

Nick Danger

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 28, 2013
Does your SM cover the changes and mods that occurred in the serial number ranges?

I don't have my stuff handy, Avionic should have a pulse on that.
Doubtful, brutal. I have a cheapo photocopy of someone's manual. I will PM Avionic and see if has access to one.


New Around These Parts
Aug 3, 2014
Douglas County, Colorado
Appreciate the links for the caps!

So here is the parts list I have compiled to do the repair(thanks again for the list, brutal)

C111/ C112 ~ 220uf/6.3V

C162/ C163~ 1000uf/100V

D119~ RD3.0EB2 3.01-3.22 20mA .5W- use any .5W 20mA 3V DO-35 Zener (1N5225B)

R125, 126 | 390 Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof (per schematic)- I got 330 as reading off ones that I removed? Service manual states 330 for this location. Whaddaya think?

R137~ 1K Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof resistors

R233/ R234~ 430/470 Ohm .25W Carbon Film Flameproof resistors (measure as the schem differs on these)- I got 470.

R231/ R232~ 330K Ohm Carbon Film resistors- are these .25W as well?

Gonna start hunting for these parts now that I am a bit more caught up at work. I may be hitting you up for those caps if I can't find them, brutal. Appreciate the offer for the parts!

My schematic (schematic has typos), which I have modified to include the TSB66H mods, lists
R125/R126 as 390 Ohm. This should be 330 Ohm
R233 - 430 (this should be 470 Ohm)
R234 - 470

TSB66H is a mod for serial numbers below "2401"

There are also two different idle current settings, one for serials over 11051 and one for serials under 11051. Can't recall what the diff was in the design.


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Nick Danger

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 28, 2013
Hey kids, had some stuff come up and will not be able to work on this project. Probably be forced to look for a local tech that can finish this up for me or just take the loss and sell as a unit that needs work.

Nick Danger

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 28, 2013
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out.
If you were up for possibly doing the repairs for me brutal, I would be more than glad to pay for the work and you could take your sweet time with it as well! Just a bit overwhelmed with family and pet issues right now and could really use the help.


New Around These Parts
Aug 3, 2014
Douglas County, Colorado
If you were up for possibly doing the repairs for me brutal, I would be more than glad to pay for the work and you could take your sweet time with it as well! Just a bit overwhelmed with family and pet issues right now and could really use the help.
My offer was not conditional upon payment.

You do need to find the time to bring it to me in Parker. :)

I'd be happy to take a look gratis with the understanding that I'm going to be awful busy Q4 with work and travel and it may take me a while to finish it up.

PM me on AK for my e-mail unless I already gave it to you. We'll make contact through that.