Well guys, everything could be use to good results only if you apply it correctly. Equalizers are one of those things that could make your sytem and recordings sound better if you know how to use it. Here I have my latest addition: a classic SAE simple eq that has given extra "live" to my system. Also, when dealing with old dull sounding recordings, a little sweetening added is very helpful. Just adjust and correct your room or recording defficiencies. Do not use it to amplify the whole spectrum. When comparing your eq "in" and "out" you must obtain a change in the sound quality and
not an abrupt volume change. That means that you are over-doing it. If I switch my SAE, you'll only notice a little bit more of extended highs and solid bass. Not a boom box or couple of db's higher. I found this one in totally mint condition for only $80.00 !!! It works like a darling.