Oh, I realize the cost is disproportionate but I’m really cheap too.
I’ve got a lot of 85/86 SA tapes new and I wouldn’t pay more than 7.50 each including shipping when I was building my stock. Now I have enough of those, plus a good supply of newer SA tapes I paid less per tape for- still perfectly good tape just not the tape I was using back in the day. I still look out for good buys as well as SM tapes which are the “pro” version SA tape. I got 20 new SM10s because they were cheap and I thought they might make a fun project (5 min per side).
I sort of jumped from cassette to CDR and missed the boat on ADAT and DAT though I was well aware of DAT anyway. I just never did any digital tape recording. Oh, I have a mini disc portable around too. But I only filled three or so discs and didn’t use it much.
Gasoline should be similar $20 per gallon I think as well no?