Gary: My guess is the record shop you were at is Apollo Music. I used to frequent the old shop, but since the move I haven't been inside the relocated store. Tried once, but the store was closed when I finally found it. There's an incredible amount of records there, as you've discovered.
I think I have the "Union" album you have.
Oh I've known they were there all right - for years actually. But their store hours don't mesh with my shopping urges, Mon & Tues 12 noon to 5PM - Wednesdays 12 noon to 10PM Thur to Sat 12 noon to 5 PM. I'm a morning person and like to indulge my indulgences early in the day.
They very first time I went there, they weren't open and likewise the second so I phoned them. At that time, I was told they were there when they're there but afternoons were the best bet. But, at least now they post the hours on the website. One of the owners was behind the counter last Saturday and I told him I would go there more frequently if they were open mornings. He explained that his partner was often there at 10AM and if so, doesn't usually mind people rummaging around. That would be more to my liking.
There used to be a used record store in a breezeway in downtown Mission. It was never open that I could tell but once, I had a close look at the paper scraps taped inside the window. He was open Mon, Wed, Fri from 5 to 7PM. I did once go in there during "business hours" and the owner told me he opened the shop to liquidate his private stock. If I remember correctly, he was at 80,000 and wanted to reduce it to 20,000 or so. He said his wife told him why have so many when it it's impossible to listen to all of them in his lifetime. A wise woman that and I think I will remember that bit of advice. But I've run into him again, organizing records at the MCC Thrift Store in Abbotsford. That's a great place for used vinyl with the words "Praise", "Saved" and "Thou" in the title.
BTW, I happened upon a rather substantial quantity of blank cassettes and included were 5 Sony Metal SR C60's. I can't use them so if you want 'em, they're yours. How often are you down from Squamish? Obviously no postage if I just handed them to you. If it helps, I am at the north end of the Iron Worker's Bridge from 6AM to 9AM and again from 3PM to 6PM Monday to Friday.
I've never seen these cassettes before but then I've never bought metal tapes. The package graphics makes me think they were the last incarnation.