what are you listening to?


Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 4, 2012
Seattle area
John Prine

Killer album man. Love the Prine.
You know it's going to be good when the opening title track starts off with him croaking out:

I got kicked off Noah's Ark, I turn my cheek to unkind remarks
There was two of everything, but one of me.
And when the rains came tumbling down, held my breath and I stood my ground.
And I watched that ship go sailing, out to sea.



Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
For me a vacuum based RCM has been the single best audio purchase I've made - if the record is otherwise unharmed a vacuum based RCM will return a dirty garage sale/thrift store record to NM. I've had the manual Nitty Gritty RCM and for the past few years a VPI 16.5, both acquired used through local craigslist.
I use a Spin Clean, which I only got not long ago, probably the cheapest and bottom end of RCM's. First thing I noticed after trying it for the first time, was how clean the albums looked.

I was slowly makin my way through my whole collection, need to get back at that.

Those vacuum machines sure are slick though SLF.

Nick Danger

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 28, 2013
"Record cleaning machines offer The biggest improvement of sound reproduction for the least amount of money. It's like upgrading one of your components."
So very true. I won't so much as play a new, let alone used vinyl, until it has been cleaned.

I use a Spin Clean, which I only got not long ago, probably the cheapest and bottom end of RCM's. First thing I noticed after trying it for the first time, was how clean the albums looked.

I was slowly makin my way through my whole collection, need to get back at that.

Those vacuum machines sure are slick though SLF.
Spin Clean user here, too. Like 'em enough that I have 2 and sold my vac unit last year- on Craigslist, of course.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jan 12, 2014
Mill creek Indiana
lost in my own world
I use a Spin Clean, which I only got not long ago, probably the cheapest and bottom end of RCM's. First thing I noticed after trying it for the first time, was how clean the albums looked.

I was slowly makin my way through my whole collection, need to get back at that.

Those vacuum machines sure are slick though SLF.

I dont have a cleaner yet at all. I've been told the record doctor V from audio advisory in Grand Rapids is great! I think it's either 199 or 299$. I guess it manual spin but it's vacuum also.ive been told it works as good as a nitty gritty or VPI . It's deff on my short list!!


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
I got a good deal on a Spin Clean back in the fall. I had not seen any for sale locally until then. I got the basic kit for 80 bones plus tax. I wondered after I got it how I went so long without one.

I had picked up an Anvil album that every time I tried to play it even after hand cleaning with a discwasher, would still leave build up and eventually lift the stylus out of the grooves. One pass with the Spin Clean and that never happened again.

A vacuum model would be fabulous but financially not in the cards for a long time. Spin clean works well for what it is/costs.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jan 12, 2014
Mill creek Indiana
lost in my own world
Lyle lovett and his large band
what a great band! Lyle is a badass singer.
And also it shows off your system very good recording and mastering


Veteran and General Yakker
Jan 12, 2014
Mill creek Indiana
lost in my own world
That's there 4th lp red tape. It's badass. I love the first 5 lps but then they went a little pop for me ars- st then back up against the wall then third annual pipe dream then red tape then dog days then champagne jam.then there's a live lp that rocks also. It's funny because Atlanta rythym section was the classic 4 and the candymen. Both huge 60s band especially classics 4 they did spooky.
Most ppl think there a chick band lol the lps I listed have some of the best 2 guitar players in sink,each knows there place. The band has a great name because that's what they are one badass rythm section !!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
That's there 4th lp red tape. It's badass. I love the first 5 lps but then they went a little pop for me ars- st then back up against the wall then third annual pipe dream then red tape then dog days then champagne jam.then there's a live lp that rocks also. It's funny because Atlanta rythym section was the classic 4 and the candymen. Both huge 60s band especially classics 4 they did spooky.
Most ppl think there a chick band lol the lps I listed have some of the best 2 guitar players in sink,each knows there place. The band has a great name because that's what they are one badass rythm section !!
The only album I'm familiar with is Champagne Jam...


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
For whatever reason I seem compelled to listen to Rammstein - I can go from opera or classical to these guys without missing a beat. This one is filmed in my back yard - wish I'd known about it 'cause I'd have crashed this party.

Ok - here's another Rammstein song named "Pussy" but this is censored. Under no circumstance should you search for the uncensored version - you'd go to hell if you did. If you do I'll see you there....


I almost posted the link to the uncensored version but the mods would have kicked my ass. Do not - I repeat do not Google Rammstein pussy uncensored. This would be bad - very bad.
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