derek, Wow, that's a gorgeous Thorens! What arm is that? I have a TD 125 MK II with a 1974 Shure SME II improved arm, yours looks different from mine, I'll post a pic next. I bought mine in 1977 while in high school for the princely sum of $225 US, I still have it and use it daily.
I bought one of the last NOS Shure V15 IV cartridges with the original stylus on the planet from your neck of the woods (In Melborne AU) a few years back, now I need to replace the stylus soon, what cart are ya runnin'?? I had a lovely Grace F9-E for awhile and it was heavenly, an AudioQuest AQ something moving coil followed, but it was a bit heavy, and needed the counterweight basically dangling off the back of the arm.
Anyhoo, nice to meet a fellow Thorens lover
, mine just keeps on truckin'!!
I'm currently playing video files of one of my fav bands,
A-HA , 'Summer Moved On'
The singer is amazing, holds the record for the longest sustained note on a pop record (20.2 seconds) (8 measures)...and he doesn't take a breath before he hit's it, has an octave range that will make you faint.