Joe's plate is so full that he'll weigh 400lbs by the time we get done with him.
I used to have about everything I needed for building amps and since I'm nearing the end of my amp building, I let my stock go down and now I have to make several orders because I don't have what I need. AND, it's easy to miss some of the little stuff (fuses, DCP parts, wire etc...). As a matter of fact, I just got my parts from Joe and do you think I remembered everything??? Hell no, I shorted myself some outputs and who knows what else. But, I have enough to get the Pro 700 and the 400 WOPL done. Maybe I'll save this last Pro 700 for when I'm not busy (yeah right).
Like I said before, I got Kool Aide and no sugar, pop tarts and no barf bag, and cereal but no milk..... Oh well....