All pertinent questions...I for one have no desire to manufacture anything in the United States at this time. However a "cottage assembly" type setup might work. But the gist of the "fund" would be primarily group buys to begin with and if that group buy was a first run of transformers, well so be it.....there are a lot of things that ould be done, deciding on "what" to do is the first thing I suppose....
I agree that full on production/ marketing is likely not the way to's just one end of the spectrum of possibilities.
That's what I meant when I asked where do you fall between bespoke and production. IOW, it only makes sense to make Chassis, transformers, etc as group buys, but then who holds the stuff? Does "Phoenix" own them, and when there's a request, the individual that commissions the build make payment to you (Lee) who then distributes product and funds to an assembly tech, and an order to White Oak? Does the purchaser make payment to three parties- Phoenix, White Oak, Tech? (might be best from a legal perspective?...anybody?) If so, how are you compensated for the trouble, and other than new super awesome amps being available, how does it benefit this community at large?
Does each prospective builder put in for so many of the group buy parts. How do they then market the units? What is the "market value" on such an item...
1000 questions and more possible paths.