The 25 700B's Look Like A Done Deal


Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
Yep, I want that digital delay he showed us that was used for the Aerosmith tour!!!! So much cool stuff to see and this is just one spot for overflow :-o

Man, I would love to bring that Altec setup back home someday but I would imagine it would require winning the lottery. Could you imagine a few WOPL1000's driving those beasts again?

Joe, one of those 700Bs seems to weigh significantly more then the others...
Was that the one with the uranium transformer core :) Did not notice that Ron.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
Was that the one with the uranium transformer core :) Did not notice that Ron.

I am serious though, it feels like it weighs at least 10lbs more then the rest of them. Just for shits and giggles, I grabbed another one to compare the transformer size and they are the same size??? I will put it on the digital scale and see if it really does weigh more. My son Jake actually noticed it when he was helping me unload the truck and get the amps stacked on the pallet in the garage. I will check it tomorrow and see. Some of these are missing meters and at least one has no face plate that I see. Another one is actually marked "flame" LMAO, I wonder why???

Jason, the company rents/sets up PA equipment and does custom sound installations for buildings. This stuff where we were at is stuff that is just stored and won't be used ever again commercially by them, probably will just sell it off as they can. I saw a nice old big greenie Altec amp that was similiar to one I used years ago in my guitar rig. It's a tube amp that is rackmountable. They probably had seevral of them there but literally, it would take you a couple days to look at all the stuff they had stacked eevrywhere


Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast

I am serious though, it feels like it weighs at least 10lbs more then the rest of them. Just for shits and giggles, I grabbed another one to compare the transformer size and they are the same size??? I will put it on the digital scale and see if it really does weigh more. My son Jake actually noticed it when he was helping me unload the truck and get the amps stacked on the pallet in the garage. I will check it tomorrow and see. Some of these are missing meters and at least one has no face plate that I see. Another one is actually marked "flame" LMAO, I wonder why???

Jason, the company rents/sets up PA equipment and does custom sound installations for buildings. This stuff where we were at is stuff that is just stored and won't be used ever again commercially by them, probably will just sell it off as they can. I saw a nice old big greenie Altec amp that was similiar to one I used years ago in my guitar rig. It's a tube amp that is rackmountable. They probably had seevral of them there but literally, it would take you a couple days to look at all the stuff they had stacked eevrywhere
Hi Ron
There was a second Altec, same model right behind the one you were looking (leering) at on the same shelf.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I would like to personally thank everyone involved for their help.....could not have done it without youse...


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
Nice job guys. Those speakers are crazy cool - imagine how many heard those and the bands that played Woodstock. Too fcuking cool.

Lawrence Mass - spent a couple of days there prior to going overseas for the military. It was an interesting city and we toured the closed mills - lot's of history there. That was my first time on the East coast. My dad's second wife was from there and I met her family then - they were of Italian heritage so it gave me a clue before I arrived in Italy. It was a toss up between South East Asia or Italy. For some strange reason I chose Italy. BTW my first choice for a duty station was Australia but that was a no go.


Forum Veteran and Hillbilly
Dec 22, 2011
Wise VA
Cool... Really good pics Joe and Ron !!! I bet that was a blast ! I would have had a hard time leaving that place !