Well I went with the SIO caps. If you don't count the big 10uf cap. With everything I'm at about 600.00 for a tubed pre not counting my time. If this goes well I will try some other projects. I still have the ESL meter to do and Lee's TT when the screws get here. Going to check that I have all the resistors in the right place today. I'm going with 16 awg silver plated wire for my hook-up wires. The IEC that comes with the kit is a filtered one. Steven to me IEC means Interchangeable Electrical Cord. For the RCAs I have a pure silver ground. The RCAs are silver also. I will treat them to keep them from corroding. I would like to go with a Gold Point selector. Maybe by the time I get to it I will be able to afford it. We shall see.