Well, if ya pick it up and slap the door open, then replace, punch the close button, then punch the slide back in, in time it's all good. Too slow and ya get an error or "No Disc". Then ya gotta do it all over again. There are no TDFA7073's at Mouser or Digio-Key. Got some stashed??
Well I guess my biggest question is was it worth the money in your opinion? PM me if you won't say in public. LOL A fool and his money is soon parted. LOL
Well I guess the end is near. I am praying it sounds like I think it should. For me this was 6 months of finding and buying parts. I went looking for a long time to pick the things I wanted.
I want to thank all of you that helped till your better paid. In some shape or form. LOL
Larry, I think ypou'll love this thing, Tube Guru aside, I'm a lousy one to evaluate it. Sure I can hear a difference between my Spec 1 and this, but it's back to tube sound versus solid state sound. I think you'll love it. You may roll some tubes and be floored. The phono amp tubes could be rolled again. I think in that application, the better the tube the better everything is. You did not skimp on components that's for damn sure , and it's as good as I can make it, I really don't know if there's room for improvementt. The phono in is 47K ohm impedence , right where it should be. I have not tried the cap bypassing John suggested and I will do that before it goes.
Well in doing this I have learned a lot. Found a new tube dealer. LOL Cheap bastard that I am. LOL Procured a few more tubes. Will have a total tube system. I will be a happy camper.
Lee/Larry, the 47k resistor is not exact, larry you will need to tune this resistor to your cartridge load....47k would be the lowest and 100k would be the highest I'd go...you can use a stereo pot rated for 100k and setup your phono player and adjust till you get the highs and lows to your liking.
When I did my grado they suggested the 47k but knowing the process I potted it at 78k and that gave me the perfect balance to highs and lows...trust me you will be amazed...don't stay with the 47k..
On a 9 pin dual triode looking from the bottom Pin 1 plate, 2 grid, 3 cathode, 4 heater, 5 heater, 6 plate, 7 grid, 8 cathode, 9 heater center tap. If you have 12 v heaters connect 4&5, 6 v heaters 4&9 and 5&9