Before I start hacking away at things, how about a 1N4007 diode anode on each ground wire from pins 2 and 4 then combining those two wires at a frame ground point away from the buss bar. Also have an exact 4uf axial np set of caps coming instead of the ecq 4.7uf's. Spent quite a while going over boards today, could not spot any solder bridges or loose connections, interesting to me that I get a solid output waveform from the amp when NOT attached to the speaker relay and hash/noise that increases with a decrease in frequency starting around 240hz and lower.
During the testing I also have the meters disconnected as well, infact at one point had all the lamps out of circuit as well in case there was some sort of backfeed going on.
During the testing I also have the meters disconnected as well, infact at one point had all the lamps out of circuit as well in case there was some sort of backfeed going on.
I cannot tell for sure how you have the bias transistors wired from a color code perspective. Is the transistor a 2N5088? Is its flat facing the chassis? If yes, then emitter is green wire? Base is black wire? Red is collector wire?