ok....i checked everything on the board....all resistors compared side per side and by values....all transistors as i have put the q5 i had back in circuit...
all diodes....removed shorted d6...and the polarity of all the caps again...i did not check the non polarized caps that i just installed in the recap kit...
i have compared the traces against the trace map in the service manual...i have touched every solder joint on the board....
i will inspect again....
i am trying to find the value of d6....i have a few diodes and this 14b board....
i did find 2 problems on the board.....thankfully i cleaned them before i powered up again....
i really have to pay attention....
View attachment 66031
everything else looks ok....i will return tomorrow....as i am very tired and prone to more mistakes than i normally make...
too tired to lol...
i appreciate very very much....i want to get all of the fubar out of my system before joes masterpiece gets here...
i need this experience....and dont regret one of my mistakes....hopefully i will improve ....if i dont improve it will not be due
to my lack of trying...