Finally, getting ready to pull the trigger on the back plane purchase. Question, How does the back plane build compare to the control board? Also is it pretty straight forward how the two connect to each other and other components?
Thanks, Brett
I thought that building the backplanes was simpler than building the control board, less components. The only thing was the threaded standoffs and the large area copper traces- you will need a
HOT iron for them.
Connections really aren't complicated at all- make sure you get the wiring kit, though, and be careful about how you allocate your wire lengths (I screwed up a bit). There's enough wire included to string
everything up.
Don't forget- you will also need the transistors and silpads- order everything at the same time and avoid project pauses.
You have all the other crap, too- right? Variac, dim bulb circuit, and the fuckin' Heyco pliers?
You have my number- give a call if you get stuck- I'll try my best to help!