I took a photo of a left and right bias transistor bracket along with a couple of photos of a new part that incorpotated the design changes I wanted to make.
Photo one - left and right bracket.
Photo two - new bracket with embedded nut, thicker tongue and notch change.
Photo three - side view of old and new brackets to show tongue thickness change.
Photo four - top view of old and new brackets to show notch change.
Photo five - had to show the other side.
When thickening the tongue the modification transferred through the entire bracket. This affected the opening where the transistor legs enter the bracket as it is now smaller due to the increased thickness. It still works with the transistors that I have but I want to open this area back up to
accommodate any potential tolerance issues. Another change will be to use a smaller tip on the fuse deposition machine that translates to more layers and a smaller tool path so the part will be "smother".
I would like to have a vapor degreaser for components made from ABS - I'll have to work on that one.