Going to keep 'er simple. Use a wal wart for the power, and put a switch inline. Figure'd ya know when a serious mach 8 jam is begging you to let loose with her.
Man... Dire Straits/Telegraph Road sounds just majestic!
WALL WART: /wol wahrt/, pronoun. Colloquial usage: A voltage adaptor with the transformer housed in a case with a male plug attached for an electrical outlet. It sits flush against the plugin and wall, hence the name 'wall wart' as it resembles a wart in fashion.
Goin' to karaoke with with some half-priced chocolate hearts....la la la....
Getting harder to get Blackie to run, I lucked out yesterday and both channels came on so I have left it powered on since. Been cranking almost nonstop since LOL
Getting harder to get Blackie to run, I lucked out yesterday and both channels came on so I have left it powered on since. Been cranking almost nonstop since LOL
Probably going to work on my own 400 to rewire and add the big ass buss bar mod to it. I need to order fans and rcas for yours, but coming up short in the funds dept.
Jer, albums have been moving slow for me but I will try to get some cash set to you asap. We still have not found any firewood vendors locally with good quality stuff. What little money I have has been going to those stupid little bags of wood at $5 each and they are getting scarce. I had paid a guy $185 for a cord but the asslick decided to get drunk and drive and he got busted for a DUI and is in jail. This is his 3rd (I found out from his friend when he did not show up with my delivery) and they are not setting a bail hearing as of yet. I am out the money and doubt I will ever see it
PM me with what you think you need and I will try to make it happen somehow
Lee, I can't burn anything but at least 2 year seasoned wood in our stove. There is little heat value in wet wood, it just foams in the stove and makes a mess of our chimney
I didn't want to drill holes or otherwise do any other mods to a pristine 400, so came up with this scheme of suspending the two fans with the wire conduit between them. Worked out good. Driving it with 9 volts, which SHOULD be enough cooling but Ron I'll send a 12 volt "wort" with it. If you need more cooling wire it in, instead. Nice and quiet tho...