Some updates...
Long story short - redid all the wiring and busbar... much, much happier now. Trimmed up both backplanes just a bit more (nothing looked too tall), but my issue appeared to be overtightened sil-pads. Bout half of them are slightly torn or perforated. (Thought we were supposed to crank 'em down and back off a 1/4 turn; Lesson learned,

). Also, the two 500 mA fused were indeed blown on the left backplane, but visually looked absolutely fine. Pulled 'em to test, and found they were both shot. New fuses installed.
Reinstalled the backplanes, bottom row of outputs only, floated the common ground. Getting roughly +100.6 vDC and -100.6 vDC on the the rails, and +98.5 vDC / -98.5 vDC on the left backplane using TP's 11 & 12; the right backplane is +99.0 vDC / -99.0 vDC. DC protect board is clicking for both relays, passing dim bulb test; I'm breathing again. Loved
@markthefixer 's video with Gene Hackman... probably screamed "It's alive!!!" over here as well. It's been a good day.
Also, seeing about 50-60 mV on the speaker outputs w/ the 10K resistor in place... no control board hooked up yet. New sil-pads in the works...