Phase Linear 400 Meter Lens
So apparently, the phase linear 400 meter lens' varied WIDELY and inconsistently throughout Phase's manufacturing process over the years. Anything from Dixon, Jewel or Honeywell, and within those three; several different variations of meter lenses! Smoked, semi-smoked, square corners, rounded off corners, white bulb reflector inserts, NOT..............etc. My father has his four, but in one of those four, the meter lenses are Waaaaaayy more dark than the others. And the others are already smoked. It seems in the very early honeywells; they used clear meter plastic. After that, in the jewels and dixon's........smoked. And several shades of smoked at that. I have been searching forever to find a semi-smoked lens. And there is simply no way of knowing if what I find will match what he has untill I have it. So far I have found the clear honeywell lenses to be interchangeable with the jewel smoked lenses. Dixon's not at all. Which WORKS. But with all the amps off, is STILL too clear than his others. Yet without it, the originals are TOO smoked. And yes they are all clean and from non-cigarette smoke environments.
Below you see a super smoked jewel lens, and a totally clear honeywell lens. Apparently there is a jewel semi-smoked lens that fits somewhere in between these drastic two. I just have not been able to find one yet! Gah! It's gnawing at me for half a year now. Aside from buying a whole different amp for hundreds of dollars, there's GOT to be somebody out there with spare parts from broken 400's out there? I know they are easier to come by parts wise than the 700B parts. Anybody think I am being too nit picky or is there a sane solution here?
1. All the amps off. Notice the bottom one smoked lens darker than all others.
2. All amps on. Notice the bottom one still stands out when on.
3. Found a clear lens from an old honeywell and put it in one side. Notice the drastic difference.
4. Power on and you can see the difference.
Yet still the clear lens when put next to the other 3 that are not an issue, still is TOO clear when amps off. And it sticks out. This is what I mean.
I am TRYING my best, but these Phase inconsistancies are leaving me scratching my head! if anyone has any suggestions; I'm all ears!