Back to the ball and spring analogy: I've always thought that closed back speaker systems (Acoustic Suspension) worked to assist damping due to the sealed environment at the back of the woofer cones for tighter bass control. Ported and bass-reflex systems tended to be a bit more sloppy in terms of tighter bass. For this reason I've preferred Acoustic Suspension over the other designs. I can appreciate the whole mass and inertia idea a bit more from the first post in this thread, and recognize that the sealed woofer box would present increased inertia from rarefaction and compression pressure within the cabinet. There's always a tradeoff, isn't there?
What are your thoughts on woofer suspension versus damping factor in this example?
I also insist on heavy gauge speaker cables, right now using 12g but prefer 10g to get as much signal as possible from the amp to the speakers with little impedance (the surprise to me here is those thin little spaghetti-like wires inside the amp cabinet going to the speaker outputs...).
And- noticing some differences- since the PL400 is undergoing renovations and I'm using the "Lottery Denon" as backup, the bass is a bit sloppy. The PL400 when operating with QuasiComp output still sounded better to me than the Denon, even though the Denon probably wouldn't sound too different unless you knew what to listen for.
Current speaker systems: A|D|S L-1290