Had a chance to work on one of the tables, not going outside.
Quick repeat of a story, I guess. I commented on ak that the KD-500 that TomBig58 posted the Chicago area cl ad for was a very nice deal. Hose53 said he would get it from Tom for me if I wanted it. I kinda didn't respond much. Hose53 is in Columbus and has been here near Phila, after delivering some Cornwalls to DE and got some small speakers to transport to near Pittsburgh. He was willing to roll again, before gas got expensive. The start of the PM conversation was in Sept 2020.
Anyway, Hose53 got the table from Tom, I paid for it and then a recent local who had moved to Dayton a few years ago was coming this way to clear out a storage locker. Pony Express, Hose was going to St Louis right past Steve's in Dayton and dropped off the table, Steve hauled it to me. I put it on top of a stack of gear that could not get higher since I don't put things on tt dustcovers.
This one was a deal because it came with an SME armboard unused, a DIN phono cable, an intact and working dustcover and looked good. Needed a platter mat and tonearm. You guys know I have tonearms. I also have platter mats and have done listening sessions comparing them. They can but don't always make a big difference. This listening session will be repeated with this table.
I bought a Magnepan Unitrac I from the factory when I was selling stereo. It came complete and one thing included is a couple large washers to span and SME cutout. I decided to go this route and now have the KD-500/Magnepan/Ortofon MC-30 Super getting hooked up. In the third pic you can see the gap in front of and behind the arm post from the SME cutout. I have the KD-550 armboard with a center cut hole, one cut for a Mayware Formula IV and the SME. Just thought I'd use the SME since the Magnepan is designed to work with that cutout and neither of the other two were correctly drilled for this arm. The armboards I have cut, probably shown above, are for the KD-600 and are 4" in diameter. The KD-500 uses 4.25" diameters armboards and I'll make a few of those, too. If not shown above that is coming.
2 tables completed and 2 more to go. Here are the pics of the Kenwood, sitting on the Synergy Salamander to the right and above the Thorens 126 discussed above.
That silver knob on an allen wrench is used to adjust the VTA on-the-fly or when just setting up the table. There is a hole in the center of the arm post that goes down to an allen socket that is threaded inside the arm. You can see the flat face of the silver inner tube that raises and lowers and has numbers to allow repeat settings. Each album might be different. I haven't gotten that critical. I set it for some of my better records and generally leave it.